Friday, January 27, 2012

As Soon Not Possible

day by day at my lovely country jakarta... ya,waktu berlalu sangaaatt cepaat... liburan semester pertama hampir habis..

tadinya gw berfikir masih ada liburan-liburan selanjutnya yang akan sama nikmatnya dengan liburan ini, tapi ternyata gw salah. yapp, this is the last chance for me to enjoy my holiday with the freedom of enjoynes. Damn to realize it. after this 2 months vacation then there no more JJS (jalan-jalan siang/sore), the childish moments will actually over, END! such a sh*t, i'm really don't wanna all this happiness over.

i'm remembering the most beautiful period of my Senior High School, with my friends,my best friends,and also my lovely boyfriend.. we're always together,always... every day,every time we go,we chat, like nothing will happened and separate us. God,i love him so much.

Now, only less 3 weeks.. then we can't be a free funny teenagers anymore. i must go on with the sucks country of my univ, and he must work for his life and family. there's no way to regret, life must go on.. hope this were not the end of all my happiness in this world. i love him and will be like that,always..
just enjoy every seconds of your life, it will be unforgettable..


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