Monday, February 24, 2014

The Most Precious 30 Days

This was my story, a story that i never expect to happen, a story that i hate so much at the beginning. A little drama that will live forever on my mind. In fact, at the end, i love this story as much as i miss it. Dedicated to all of The Mangkurayat’s, i know im not talk to much, but let me express how much i love you guys with my skill of writing, cause written words are more touching, well at least for me :D

Ini adalah cerita yang pesan moralnya merupakan ekstensi dari film “from Bandung with love”, yap, kalau di film itu diceritakan bahwa apapun bisa terjadi dalam waktu seminggu, nah kalau yang ini, apapun bisa terjadi dalam sebulan. Kalau kata Anonymous itu, “it’s weird that someone who was a stranger last month can be the one which mean so much for us today, and someone who mean so much for us last month, could be a stranger today”. Well, based on this quote, i’d like to give a special first thanks to a stranger that become someone special for me (at least) until today, Dd Kadarshian.

Awal cerita dimulai kira-kira sebulan yang lalu, tanggal 8 Januari 2014. Hari terberat di awal tahun, dimana gue harus membawa 1 koper, 1 ransel gunung, dan 1 sling bag ke suatu tempat yang gue ga pernah tau seperti apa dan bagaimana, hmm, semacam kencan buta gitu, bedanya kalau blind date kalau lo ga cocok sama orangnya, lo bisa langsung kabur. Tapi gue? Silahkan kabur, tapi ucapkan selamat tinggal pada IPK 3,1 yang sudah gue raih dengan cucuran darah dan keringat. Desa Mangkurayat, kecamatan Cilawu, Garut, menjadi saksi bisu dimana pernyataan “coba dulu, baru ngomong” ternyata benar adanya. 

Gue ga pernah menyangka perasaan gue di hari pertama menginjak rumah penduduk yang kita jadikan pondokan itu bisa berbalik 180 derajat sampai hari-hari terakhir. Gue ga percaya bahwa ternyata kasur palembang yang tipis dan berjendol-jendol itu bisa memberikan keakraban tersendiri buat gue and the geng, atau bahwa ternyata meja makan kecil dengan 6 kursi bisa jadi tempat nongkrong paling asik buat seisi rumah, bahkan terlalu asik sampe-sampe ngobrol pun bisa lupa waktu. Men, gue ga pernah mengira setiap hari makan pake tahu tempe pun bakalan se-fun ini kalau dijalanin bareng-bareng, mungkin makan pepper lunch setiap hari pun gabakal bisa membuat gue sebahagia ini. Well, di rumah ini gue menyadari bahwa ga perlu spring bed empuk buat tidur nyenyak, ga perlu TV flat screen plus Indovision buat nyari hiburan, ga perlu AC buat tidur pake selimut, ga perlu makanan enak buat memuaskan perut. Everything great, everything’s fine, and i’ll say (and type) it out loud now, I LOVE KKN. Ga peduli tidur ber5 satu kamar, ga peduli listrik nge’jepret gara-gara make hairdryer atau kebanyakan nge’charge laptop, ga peduli sehorror apa kamar mandi belakang di waktu malam, i love this house too, i love it so so much, walaupun Cuma sebulan tapi rumah ini udah banyak menyaksikan berbagai drama gue atau bahkan drama-drama yang lain yang ga gue ketahui. Yea, i will miss this house so much, too much.

And now, time to introducing the members of this lovely sweet sweet house.. hmm, start from the President of Mangkurayat, Dzikri aka cikri. Cikri ini adalah tipe cowo Bandung idaman, kenapa? Let me tell you why, physically? Nothing wrong with him, he’s fine and adorable enough for some girls, he smells good and always being maximal on his date. He got a car, he drive, he’s using iphone, dan yang terpenting dia gaul. How lucky is his girl !? Cowo yang susah nyebut huruf “F” ini tidak lain tidak bukan adalah koordinator desa Mangkurayat yang tugasnya mengkoordinir segala kegiatan yang bakalan kita kerjain. Umumnya KorDes itu mempunyai kriteria tegas, berwibawa, disiplin, tepat waktu, dan berwibawa. Well, but, cikri.. you are the only exception, LOL. Thanks for letting me go home twice, thanks for your time tolerance for us, thanks for your “woles-ness”, thanks for the Darajat and Santolo! Last but not least, thanks for being the best Kordes evaahh!!

Next! Let me introduce you to our “mommy”, Ami and Ameil. These two great womans was amazing, they cooked, they sweep, they washing the dishes, what a perfect wife. Without them, this house will fall down. Honestly, im not too close to them, but i know they having a big role on this house, so i respect them. You two are the truly woman! Thanks for giving me many good examples of being woman.

The fourth is Elisabet. I owe this girl so much! I don’t know what happen with her but, for God Sake! If there is a medals for the most helpful friend, i give it to you! Sabetaa, thanks a lot udah suwir-suwirin ayam gue, tanpa lo gue ga bisa makan :”) makasih juga udah suka sekalian narohin piring gue ke dapur kalau abis makan. Sumpah gue berasa manja banget gara-gara semua pertolongan lo yang tulus itu, terimakasih yaa sudah menyadarkan guee J

Selanjutnyaa, Lara aka Lala! Ini nih! Ini! Tuhan memang adil sampai memberikan teman sesama Directioners begini lhoo. This girl is so funny and riddiculous. Sekilas kalo kita melihat cewe ini, pasti akan menangkap image alim, pendiem, perfeksionis, siapa yang nyangka kalo ternyata doi ini gamers men! Atlet pongpongpong yang WOW, gue salut sama kecepatan tangannya dalam permainan pongpongpong, luar biasa. Terimakasih buat momen gabut to the max sambil mengkhayal cheesy bites nya, makasih buat kehisterisan bareng ketika hoax konser 1D beredar di internet. Just wanna remind our promise to watch one direction concert together, don’t forget that!

And then we goes to Nisa and Retha. Nisa, temen sebangku pertama gue di bis no 26 itu, bis yang membawa takdir kita semua bersama, asiikk.. cewe ini juga suka sekalian narohin piring makan gue ke dapur, kadang gue berpikir, mereka ini kok baik-baik banget ya? Gue pikir kalian-kalian ini bakalan kesel dapet temen serumah yang manjanya kayak gue, but in fact? Makasih udah membiarkan gue telat dateng ke paud gara-gara belom mandi, hahaa. No words can describe my thankfulness, so i just can say, thank you J. Retha, this sweet girl actually success making me jealous for a couple times. Well, you will know why later, LOL. Even im not really close to her, but she’s a nice person. She like to sing, so i guess i will miss her voice after this all over. Keep being a loyal girlfriend for your boy, i see it and i wish i can be like you J

Now we go to the FISIP duo, bang Richard and Yose. Bang Richard, sebenernya dia ini memenuhi banget kriteria gue buat menjadi seorang abang (FYI, i don’t have any brother, and i really want to have one, the one who fulfilled my criteria of being a brother), orangnya besar, mukanya sangar tapi sekaligus lembut, istilahnya dibalik kesangarannya bisa terlihat sosok yang penyayang gitu. I wish i had a brother like him :”) thanks for being a driver for us on the Santolo Trip, even if i had a motion sickness it’s definitely not your fault! Ps, i think you should audition for Indonesian Idol, you have Sandy Sandhoro voices, hahaa. Then we have our bang Yos, sejujurnya dari awal gue ngeliat foto doi di line, cowo ini udah jadi target utama gue, he had it all man! This is what i called a man, real man. Postur proporsional, muka ganteng, keren, up to date, jago main gitar, gue yakin cewe manapun juga pasti berpikiran yang sama. Well, bisa dibilang dia ini Zayn Malik nya Mangkurayat. Keep gorgeous, handsome, charming, and macho! I’m your big fans bang Yose! Call me maybee!! ;)

And then we have Irvan aka Ipang. Ini saudara seperjuangan gue dari fikom! Kerennya “when Inpus and Mankom struggle together!” hahaa. Ipang ini ahlinya photoshop di rumah kita, dan pokoknya lo udah janji mau ngeditin foto gue biar kayak ditengah-tengah one direction! Inget yak, kita masih satu fakultas bakal gue tagih terus janji lo, huahahahaaa.

Lanjut ke Christina Ayu Dera Nuba aka itin, cewe paling kocak + koplak satu jagat raya. Ini cewe ga ada jaim-jaimnya, mengalir aja kayak air. Menclok sana menclok sini, cocok sama siapa aja. I wish i can be like her J I will always remember the scene when you singing that absurd child song “senin selasa rabu kamis jumat sabtu minggu itulah nama-nama hari”, lagu yang telah di aransemen ulang oleh guru-guru paud menjadi lagu yang flat dengan nada meninggi hanya di bagian akhir lagu. Keep funny and beautiful! Pesen gue Cuma satu, jangan sampe lo terjebak dalam friend zone, karna biasanya cewe asik kayak lo rentan sekali masuk ke zona itu, LOL.

The next, Annisa Syamsi aka Sam. First thing first, gue suka banget sama nama panggilan cewe yang satu ini, bule banget men, sam. I always do remember when you and itin speak javanese which is so hillarious for me, “opo opo lali opo opo lali” hahaaa. Thanks for being a good roommate, makasih udah mau tukeran tempat supaya gue bisa menikmati kasur bulu angsa yang amat lumayan itu, thanks for the baby cologne, thanks for taking a picture of me and ehem. You’re the best pubdok ever! Pubdok ‘till die! Hahaa. Seriously, girls, you should take a chance on photography bussiness, you’re talented. One day if you already be a professional photographer, you should take a photoshoot of this Victoria Secret model, LOL!

And here it is, 4 peoples to go.

Artika aka uni tika. Mahasiswi Hukum tingkat akhir asli Padang ini sukses membuat pikiran gue terbebani dengan segala macam tetek bengek skripsi. Akhirnya setelah bersusah payah bolak balik Bandung, uni tika pun berhasil mendapatkan dosen pembimbing dan persetujuan judul skripsi yang pokoknya ada jaminan-jaminan Fidusia nya gitu deh, entahlah gue ga mengerti. Sampai akhirnya pada suatu malam gue melihat uni tika ngetik-ngetik sampe ketiduran, dan besok paginya? Jeng jreng.. bab 1 udah selesai seperempatnya. Good job uni Tika!! Well, doi ini juga merupakan contoh jojoba (jomblo jomblo bahagia) buat gue yang baru menyandang status jomblo ini, harus belajar banyak dari lo tik!

Fathya!! Aka Fety. Like seriously, i never met any girl that always looks happy all the time. You’re such a cheerleader! I like this girl so much, she’s so kind and humble, her smile and laugh always be the warmer for the rest of us. Lo adalah contoh inner and outter beauty buat gue. I just can wish all the best for you and your lovely boyfriend, you two look cute together J  Well, fety, thanks for being the best partner-in-crime of waking up late in the morning, LOL. As a good friend, i always do remember every kind of my friend habits, so i will miss your repeatly allergic sneeze in the morning, your talking tone when you tell a horror story, your increasing score while playing cytus, and offcourse that curly iron that you can’t live without. YEAH!

2 more to go..

Gerry, my tweenie. I must admit that you are one of the most sweetest boys i’ve ever seen in my whole life. Satu pertanyaan konyol yang terus berputar-putar di otak gue sejak pertama kali liat lo adalah, “ini orang apa gula jawa sih? Kok bisa manis banget?”. Yea, may sound cheesy but, i swear that was for real! And, you know, well, i like you, like.. a lot. But, i decided not to get any further because of some reason. But fortunately for the last few week we can be that close, thanks to cytus! We’ve found that we’re both a gamers, we love audition and we mastered it (even you’re more master than me), and we also found that we have slightly similar face so we have sort of nickname for both of us, tweenie which just very sweet i think, hahaa. I will always remember you as the best thing i never had. Thanks for spending a lot of time for playing cytus, even if you play it for yourself, you never know that someone was very happy to looked at your serious face when you play Biotonic or what we used to call Sakatonic. Ger, i always remember the first moment when we’re just get off from the bus and walking to our boarding house, you asked me whether i need some help to bring my luggage or not, and i said “no, i’m a strong woman”, well you helping me at last anyway when i just can’t hold it anymore, LOL. At that time i was so happy, cause i like you from the beginning, you’re the one that i stalk first before anybody, hahaa peace! Just don’t forget our “yeah” moment on Darkness song, our moment when building the card house or you used to call “rumah tangga anti badai”, our one full episodes “Dora the explorer” dubbing which is exhausting, our late night sleep while waiting for jam pocong just for tethering to download deemo, our flappy bird competition, and much more beautiful moment with you. Well, i wrote too much on your part, hahahaa. And for the rest i’ll just keep it here in my memories. I always remember you as Gerry, a man who have a cute voice, charming smile, and adorable laugh that always make me smile J

The laassttt,

Dede Yusuf Kadarshian, eh, Kadarsyah. I’ve seen this quote “cute guys make you crazy, hot guys make you drool, cool guys make you daydream. But funny guys make you fall in love without ever knowing it”. You’re the one i never saw coming. Dari awal bahkan gue ga pernah notice sama orang ini, foto line nya aja selfie sama kuda, kasian banget. But, fact proof it another way. Without this guy i probably will never able to socialize with any of you guys, he brought me out from my room and force me to start chill out with all of you. He’s such a good brother for me at the beginning. But as the time goes by, you’ve change, you’re not helping me to get closer to gele anymore, you said it hurts yourself. Actually, your act those days was really making me confused  cause i know you have sort of feeling too for that sweet girl, retha. And i’m helping you too. But, you say it repeatly and congratulations, you’ve succeed making me yours. And from that day, everyone knows we had that kind of undercover romance. Yes we’ve been together nearly all the time in a day, you always bothering me with your jokes and kidding mostly all the time, when i’m in bedroom, you just walk through that door and suddenly put your head on my lap or sleep next to me, then take my bolster and blanket so i start that fight to get it back, and my samsung? You often use it to talk to me, i remember you said that what you type on that gadget is something that you really feel, and i tell you, that was so sweet J We’ve talk a lot, about our past or something, i don’t know whether you remember all my story or not, but i do remember yours. Thank you for trusting and telling me about utu-utu, your before-sleep habits, even your nickname on family which i won’t mention it here, LOL. One month is enough for me, to see you from the beginning, to see you flirting around, to see you joking, to see you laugh, to see you cry, to see you fall in love. I’ll never forget our dramatic drama which i hate so much. I’m sorry i can’t tell you this much in direct, because you know,  im not good at talking too much. I just wanna say thank you, thank you for being “that guy”, who wash the spoon for me when i need it, who help me suwir-suwir my chicken, who always accompany me to the toilet at the night and waiting in front of the door which is a bit scary. Thanks for lending your shoulders for me to sleep at the Santolo trip, or letting me sleep in your arms at home, thanks for lifting me up at your back :P , to pick me up when its too dark for me to come home alone, to accompany me anywhere even to Mekarmukti. Last but not least, thanks for waking me up in the morning with ‘that’ lovable things that you do ;) I owe you so much. Well, if Gele was the best thing i never had. I think you are the best thing i can’t had (at least for now). Pretty sad, but, whatevs, it just a word. “Can’t” doesn’t mean impossible, am i right or am i right ? :D

Just so you know guys, sampai hari ini gue masih berusaha untuk move on dari kalian. Walaupun gue ga nangis waktu kita semua pisah, percayalah gue pun sedih, banget. Percaya atau engga, gue belum sekalipun mainin cytus dari kita pulang sampai saat gue nulis ini tepatnya tanggal 19, takut kangen sama komunitas gamers, lala and gele. Setiap radio di mobil nyetel lagu Beautiful Day nya Michael Buble pun gue juga masih suka sedih. Bayangan rumah itu masih jelas banget di pikiran gue, kamar depan yang nyeni abis dengan segala lukisan persib, liverpool, jkt 48, baladewa, slank, iwan fals nya, kamar belakang yang lack of fresh air and light, lapak cowo-cowo yang Cuma beralaskan karpet dan kasur palembang, lorong menyeramkan menuju dapur dan kamar mandi, dapur yang imut banget itu, meja makan yang cozy abis. Baso Ollis yang legendaris! Semua itu bakal terus ada di memori gue, kecuali gue kepeleset di pantai terus kebentur karang sampe bocor kepalanya terus amnesia.

Admit it! 1 bulan kemarin itu merupakan salah satu saat terindah di hidup kalian semua, karena gue pun yang awalnya sangat amat membenci KKN pada akhirnya juga jadi amat berat buat ninggalinnya. Terlepas dari semua tragedi mengenaskan yang menimpa gue selama KKN, ga pernah ada penyesalan di diri gue untuk mengenal dan menjalani sebulan dari sekian lamanya hidup gue bersama kalian. Bahkan kalau ditawarin lagi pun gue juga pasti mau. 
It’s the most precious one month for me, i will remember it forever. The friendship, the life, the love.. it was just unbelievable. I always believe that God never make it “kebetulan”, God always had a plan. Peoples who came to your life never be useless, they’re always have a reason to get into your life, and that’s all of you, guys. Thanks for being a huge part of my life. Thanks.